Early Childhood Summit

Creating connections among research, practice and policy


The biennial CYFS Early Childhood Research Summit aims to share cutting-edge early childhood research conducted by faculty across the Nebraska system, with a particular focus on building connections among the research, practice and policy communities to address critical issues facing children from birth to age 8 and their families.


  • CYFS and Nebraska Academy for Early Childhood Research (NAECR)
  • College of Education and Human Sciences
  • Buffett Early Childhood Institute
  • First Five Nebraska


Researchers, practitioners and policymakers in Nebraska engaged in early childhood education and development.

Services Provided

  • Branding
  • Graphic design
  • Social media strategy
  • Web design and development
  • Video production
  • Event registration and promotion

The Challenge

Developing a cohesive identity for an event that brings together stakeholders in early childhood research, practice and policy.

  • Communicate cutting-edge early childhood research findings from University of Nebraska-affiliated researchers and colleagues.
  • Link ongoing efforts in early childhood research, practice and policy.
  • Advance the science of early childhood education and development via connections among community partners, policymakers, early childhood practitioners and researchers.

The Solution

A friendly, future-focused identity that represents adults working to enhance children’s lives and leading them to a brighter future.



Avg. Attendees


Avg. Email Open Rate


The branding for the CYFS Early Childhood Research Summit visually represents the main purpose of the summit – creating connections among research, practice and policy. The three stars represent the collaboration among these communities.

Brand fonts

Minion & Oswald

Graphic Design 

Various print and digital products were created to facilitate the summit, including a full program with agenda and session descriptions, building/room signage and name badges.

previous arrow
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Web design & Development

Video production

Participants representing different stakeholder groups were interviewed on-site during the summit about their experiences at the event and how it enhanced their work in early childhood. The videos were shared on social media and the summit website.