TAPP Online is now recruiting school specialists
October 24, 2023
Calling all school psychologists, school counselors, social workers, special education teachers and other school specialists serving rural areas! Earn up to $6,152 by participating in TAPP Online. Sign up by Nov. 17, 2023, to join the study’s Spring 2024 cohort.
School specialists play a unique role in supporting students and families. We are excited to offer school specialists the opportunity to participate in TAPP Online, a research study that provides virtual professional development to bring the Teachers and Parents as Partners (TAPP) intervention to rural communities.
Joining TAPP Online will strengthen your skills and allow you to earn additional income for the work you are already doing to support student success. Compensation details are outlined below.
What is TAPP?
TAPP is an evidence-based problem-solving intervention shown to improve student outcomes and parent-teacher partnerships. Through TAPP, families are empowered to address their child’s needs at home and teachers add new strategies to their professional “toolkit.”
TAPP is led by school specialists who work with teachers and parents as they implement consistent and effective support plans at school and home for students in prekindergarten through fifth grade with academic, social-behavioral or mental health concerns. It is a collaborative consultation approach that helps teachers and parents address student concerns by sharing input, ideas, and plans for improving student success at school and home.
TAPP includes three to four structured meetings over approximately 8 weeks. Together, school specialists, parents and teachers:
- Identify a student’s strengths and pinpoint challenges that interfere with learning.
- Set goals and develop strategies that can be used cooperatively at home and school.
- Implement a joint plan at home and school.
- Monitor the student’s progress toward goals.
What does participation look like?
School specialists are randomly assigned to one of two groups during the study: TAPP intervention group or typical services group.
For school specialists in the TAPP intervention group, participation involves:
- Completing virtual training of the TAPP intervention, including how-to readings, online modules and practice sessions.
- Engaging with a TAPP coach who will provide support for your casework. Individualized coaching will be provided weekly via distance technology (e.g., Zoom) and other means, as needed.
- Implementing the TAPP intervention for approximately four to six students per year, over two years. Services involve facilitating TAPP meetings, attending coaching meetings and assisting with data collection.
Is there compensation?
Yes, participants are compensated for their time and efforts. Getting paid to complete training and implement the TAPP intervention is a great opportunity to grow your consultation skills. TAPP is designed to fit into the work you are already doing to support students, teachers and families.
- Compensation for school specialists in the TAPP group: Up to $6,152
- Compensation for school specialists in the typical services group: Up to $1,600
- Compensation for all teacher and parent participants is also provided!
Where can I learn more about TAPP?
For additional information on TAPP and to sign up for our Spring 2024 cohort, please contact our team by Nov. 17, 2023. We are happy to answer your questions about TAPP and how to get started!
More details about the TAPP Online study are available via our School Specialist Handout and project web page.