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School Characteristics, Classroom Processes, and PK-1 Learning and Development


Research Team

Name Name

Principal Investigator: Amanda Witte

Co-Principal Investigators: Natalie Koziol

Funding Information

Funding Agency: Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

Subcontract from: University of Florida

Award Date: Nov 30, 2021

End Date: Jun 30, 2024


Researchers, practitioners and policymakers have long emphasized the importance of schools for children’s learning and development. Ample evidence suggests children’s learning is impacted significantly by yearly academic growth, race and gender gaps, percentage of enrolled children from disadvantaged backgrounds and other school-level characteristics.

But despite this evidence, research on school-level processes rarely examine the influence of these factors in conjunction with classroom-level practices. 

This project will examine the connection between school-level characteristics and student outcomes by focusing on how and for whom school factors relate to teachers’ classroom practices and student learning from pre-K through grade 1. 

School-level data from publicly-available data sources will be paired with data from the Early Learning Network (ELN), which connects longitudinal data on the learning and development of 2,792 students from racially and linguistically diverse homes, as well as their classroom experiences, from pre-K through third grade across five sites — Massachusetts, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia. 

Researchers will also connect data from ELN with publicly-available school-level data from the Civil Rights Data Collection and the Stanford Education Data Archive, which collectively provide insight into a robust set of school-wide factors for all schools involved with ELN. 

Early Childhood Education and Development