Funded Projects

Research that shapes the future

The Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families & Schools is an interdisciplinary research center in the College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Effectiveness of a Multilevel Rural Community Engagement Model for Improving Children's Dietary Intake in Family Child Care Homes Principal Investigator: Dipti Dev

Getting Ready and Early Care and Education (ECE) Program Connections for EDN Principal Investigator: Lisa Knoche

Educare Evaluation 2024-2025 Principal Investigator: Amy Napoli

Computer Science: Focusing on Undergraduate Pre-Service Teachers, with Unified Research, Ecosystems, and Structures (CS Futures) Principal Investigator: Leen-Kiat Soh

STEM Education

CAREER: Applying Human-Technology Interfaces to Support Communication for Children Principal Investigator: Kevin Pitt

STEM Education

A Grounded Theory Study of Mental Health Practitioners Financial Precarity, Work Satisfaction, and Mental Health Principal Investigator: Mun Yuk Chin

Refining a School-Based Intervention for Autistic Youth with Emotional Dysregulation through Engagement with School Mental Health Professionals Principal Investigator: Sungeun Kang

Using Generative AI to Enhance Mathematics Teaching Practices for Special Education Teachers in Rural Areas Principal Investigator: Jing Wang

How Religious Beliefs Influence People’s Perspectives on Poverty and Poverty Assistance Programs Principal Investigator: Jamy Rentschler

Growing in the Good Life Principal Investigator: Lorey Wheeler

Treatment Intensity Factors Related To Efficient And Effective Communication Principal Investigator: Birdie Ganz

Ethical and Equitable Reintegration: Transitioning Youth from Out-of-Home Placement to the Mainstream Classroom Principal Investigator: Alex Mason

The Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics & Psychometrics Applied Analytics and Data Infrastructure Services Principal Investigator: Lorey Wheeler

Development and Evaluation of an Indigenized Family Acceptance Project for Lakota LGBTQ2S+ Youth Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

Pilot evaluation of a Lakota-centered lifespan mentoring program to reduce alcohol related problems and promote holistic wellbeing Principal Investigator: Joseph Gardella

Rural Grant Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

The Impact of Minority Stress on Alcohol-Related Sexual Assault among Sexual Minority College Students: An Intersectional, Mixed-Methodological Study Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

Racial disparities for the effects of parental marijuana use on youth marijuana and other substance use Principal Investigator: Lorey Wheeler

Exploring Multidimensional Effects of Pre-service Teachers' Work in Title I Schools Principal Investigator: Jillian Harpster

Integrating Reading and Writing Instruction to Increase Efficiency and Word-level Literacy Skill Outcomes for Struggling Students Principal Investigator: Pam Bazis

Sexual Assault Recovery Among Sexual Minority Women: A Longitudinal, Multi-Level Study Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

An Investigation of the Potential Benefits of Nature Exposure on Emotion Regulation of Preschool-aged Children Principal Investigator: Donger Liu

Enhancing Early Childhood Educators Reflective Practice and Content Knowledge to Increase Childrens Capacity for Science Talk Principal Investigator: Soo-Young Hong

Efficacy of Teleconsultation with Parents and Teachers to Promote Student Social-Behavioral Outcomes Principal Investigator: Amanda Witte

An Online Family-based Program to Reduce Inequity among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth of Color Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

Developing an Interdisciplinary Global Forced Migration and Health Collaborative (FMHC) Principal Investigator: Julie Tippens

Inspiring Outcomes for Children through Equitable Early Childhood Education Experiences (E4) Principal Investigator: Lisa Knoche

Intergenerational Coparenting and Childrens Social-Emotional Development in China: The Moderating Role of Intergenerational Relationship Quality Principal Investigator: Weiman Xu


Development and Pilot Evaluation of an Online Mentoring Program to Prevent Adversities Among Trans and Other Gender Minority Youth Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

Getting Ready Preschool Development Grant PDG Principal Investigator: Lisa Knoche

Pilot Test of a Nervous System Informed Intervention to Increase Embodied Affirmation of Nonbinary People Principal Investigator: Katelyn Coburn

The Effects of Embedding Augmentative and Alternative Communication within Storybook Reading and Play Time for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Principal Investigator: Ciara Ousley

EAT for Prevention Principal Investigator: Dipti Dev

Prairie Nebraska Principal Investigator: Beth Doll

Project VIEW: Visual Impairments Education in Writing Principal Investigator: Mackenzie Savaiano

Efficacy of an online evidence-based sexual assault resistance intervention for undergraduate women Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

A Foundational Study of Adaptive Behaviors in Individuals with Down Syndrome Principal Investigator: Susan Loveall

Responsive Equitable System for Preparing Early Childhood Teachers (RESPECT) across Nebraska Principal Investigator: Julia Torquati

Responsive Equitable System for Preparing Early Childhood Teachers (RESPECT) across Nebraska Principal Investigator: Julia Torquati

An Innovative, Prospective Model to Understand Risk and Protective Factors for Sexual Assault Experiences and Outcomes Among Sexual Minority Men Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

Establishment and Evaluation of an Indigenous-led Center to Prevent Sexual Violence among Indigenous Youth across the U.S. Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

Indigenous-led Research on Sex Trafficking among Native Americans in the Northern Great Plains Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

RISE with Insects (Resilience Ignited through Science and Ethics) Principal Investigator: Ana Maria Velez Arango

School Characteristics, Classroom Processes, and PK-1 Learning and Development Principal Investigator: Amanda Witte

Interdisciplinary Training for Early Intervention and Visual Impairment (IT-EIVI) Principal Investigator: Mackenzie Savaiano

Research on Integrated STEM Efficacy: A Study of Elementary Preservice Teachers including Noyce Scholars Principal Investigator: Deepika Menon

Indigenous-led Research on Sex Trafficking among Native Americans in Western South Dakota Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators (CHIME): Evaluating the Use of Mindfulness and Compassion to Promote Early Head Start/Head Start Education Staff's Well-Being Principal Investigator: Holly Hatton

Systematic Efficacy Replication Study of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation in Elementary Schools Principal Investigator: Susan Sheridan

Promoting Positive School Climate among Newcomer Immigrant Adolescents Principal Investigator: Lorey Wheeler


Retaining Special Education Teachers in Nebraska: A Comprehensive Retention Program (NCRP) Principal Investigator: Amanda Witte

Efficacy of Virtual Professional Development in Rural Schools to Enhance Teacher-Parent Partnerships for Students with Behavioral Challenges Principal Investigator: Susan Sheridan

Development and Pilot Evaluation of an Online Intervention to Prevent Dating Violence and Problem Drinking in Sexual Minority Youth Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

Healing among Rural & Indigenous Women Victims of Domestic Violence: A Mixed-Methodological Analysis Principal Investigator: Katie Edwards

Coaching in Early Intervention (CEI): Promoting Outcomes for Infants/Toddlers with Disabilities through Evidence-Based Practices Principal Investigator: Lisa Knoche

Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Physical Therapy Intervention Targeting Sitting and Reaching for Young Children with Cerebral Palsy Principal Investigator: Natalie Koziol

Nebraska STEM: Supporting Elementary Rural Teacher Leadership Principal Investigator: Amanda Thomas

Early Learning Network Lead Principal Investigator: Susan Sheridan

Learning Frontiers: Pre-K to Grade 3 Principal Investigator: Susan Sheridan