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Family Acceptance Project: An Online Family-based Program to Reduce Inequity among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth of Color

Research Team


Principal Investigator: Katie M. Edwards

Co-Principal Investigators: Lorey Wheeler

Funding Information

Funding Agency: William T. Grant Foundation

Award Date: Jul 1, 2023

End Date: Jun 30, 2026


Sexual and gender minority youth (SGMY) of color experience high rates of behavioral, social, emotional, relational and academic problems due in part to systems of oppression/inequality. Although family rejection of SGMY of color is a key source of inequity, little is known about how to prevent it. 

This participatory action research project is designed to help reduce inequalities that exist among multiply minoritized youth and promote resilience and positive youth development. Researchers aim to develop and evaluate an online version of the Family Acceptance Project to prevent deleterious outcomes among SGMY of color and promote positive youth development by (1) fostering parent/caregiver acceptance and support of their SGMY, (2) facilitating family bonding and communication and (3) reducing internalized oppression among SGMY. 

Participants will include 180 SGMY — ages 14 to 18 — who will be randomly assigned either to complete the online Family Acceptance Project in groups of seven dyads, or assigned to a wait-list. Data on the acceptability and feasibility of the intervention will be collected from participants assigned to receive the online Family Acceptance Project and program facilitators. Families in the wait-list control condition will receive the Family Acceptance Project following the 12-month post-test. 

Social, Emotional and Behavioral Well-being