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Lens on Science Evaluation


Research Team


Principal Investigator: Dawn Davis

Funding Information

Funding Agency: Buffett Early Childhood Fund

Subcontract from: University of Miami

Award Date: Sep 1, 2019

End Date: Aug 31, 2021


This project is funded by a subcontract from the University of Miami.

Lens on Science is a computer adaptive standardized measure of science learning validated for use with low-income preschool children.

Nebraska evaluators will:

  • administer the Lens on Science assessment to 10 preschool children per classroom at Educare Lincoln;
  • assist the Early Science Initiative in collecting video clips from classrooms on teachers engaging in science activities; and
  • monitor and provide technical support to teachers during their participation on completing online questionnaires. 
Additionally, Nebraska evaluators will record 30-minute video clips at each preschool classroom.

Early Childhood Education and Development