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A Meta-Analysis of Parent Involvement Interventions and Family School Partnerships Effects on Student Outcomes

Research Team


Principal Investigator: Susan Sheridan

Co-Principal Investigators: Elizabeth Moorman Kim

Funding Information

Funding Agency: Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

Award Date: Jun 1, 2012

End Date: May 31, 2015


This project collects, analyzes and draws conclusions from several decades’ worth of investigations into how parents influence K-12 student outcomes. Though many studies have suggested that parental participation can improve academic achievement, inconsistencies and oversights in definitions, methodologies and results have left lingering questions and a lack of consensus.

Meta-analysis of collected data aims to distinguish between parent-involvement and family-school partnership models of intervention, and examine which specific components of each approach most benefit students. It will also encapsulate how differences in students, families and schools alter the effectiveness of parent-involvement and family-school partnership effort, and will examine the influences of students’ age and grade; families’ socioeconomic status and primary language; and schools’ geographic context and socioeconomic composition.

To summarize impacts not only on academic achievement, but also student behavior and social-emotional development, researchers will account for the quality of studies included in the meta-analysis by considering their methodological and statistical rigor. Among other factors, the team will view study results in the light of their research designs, assignment of participants, reliability of assessment and fidelity of implementation.

Academic Intervention & Learning, Social, Emotional and Behavioral Well-being

From left, former CYFS Postdoctoral Fellow Elizabeth Moorman Kim, CYFS Director Susan Sheridan and the University of Texas’ Tasha Beretvas are working to determine the impacts of both parent-involvement and family-school partnership interventions by collecting and analyzing decades’ worth of research studies.
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