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Continuity Across Family and School Systems to Promote the Learning and Development of Children and Adolescents

Research Team


Principal Investigator: Susan Sheridan

Funding Information

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Award Date: Oct 1, 2009

End Date: Sep 30, 2010


Enhancing family-school partnerships to promote continuity and collaboration across support systems in children’s lives (i.e., families and schools) is key to their development and learning. This proposed workshop will bring together nationally known experts with the goal of assessing research needs of the field and planning for ways to address research gaps and new directions.

The project aims to create coordinated, research-based understandings and develop new methods for conceptualizing, intervening and studying processes and outcomes of family school-partnership. Researchers from prevention, early intervention, education, psychology (developmental and school), sociology and methodology will participate to bring multiple perspectives to the table.

Immediate outcomes include a synthesized consensus document presenting a research agenda for family-school partnerships and recommendations for future research in the field, and an edited book series with the chapters, syntheses and recommendations written by the workshop participants. 

Social, Emotional and Behavioral Well-being, Academic Intervention & Learning

Susan Sheridan, CYFS director
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