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Investigating The Impact of Elaborative Conversation Strategies Intervention on Parent-Child Interactions and Preschool Children's Science Learning Using a Single-Case Experimental Design

Research Team


Principal Investigator: Yao Yao

Co-Principal Investigators: Soo-Young Hong

Funding Information

Funding Agency: Buffett Early Childhood Institute

Award Date: Jul 1, 2023

End Date: Jun 30, 2024


Research highlights the importance of guiding young children to build their capacity to learn science concepts and practice. Because learning is a socially mediated process, language is crucial to promote an individual's thinking and learning. 

High-quality conversations between parents and children tend to encourage children to think more deeply and further explore ongoing experiences and activities. Elaborative conversation strategies (ECS) reflect many of these characteristics of high-quality interactions, and can be used in everyday interactions among adults and children. Studies have demonstrated the positive impact of the ECS intervention on the quality of parent-child interactions during science activities in museum settings — something not everyone has equitable access. 

This study aims to examine whether the ECS intervention is effective in enhancing the quality of parents' science talk in everyday home learning environments and how and when the changes in practices occur throughout the study duration at the individual level.

Researchers will examine whether training parents on ECS could effectively increase their use of these high-quality conversation skills in engaging children in science activities. They will also explore how training parents in using ECS improves children's science knowledge, skills and interest as well as parents attitudes toward supporting childrens' science learning.

Early Childhood Education and Development