Data Collection via Video: An Introduction to Software for Coding Research Videos
2011-2012 Methodology Applications SeriesPresentation 1
Video recordings are a common tool for collecting data on behaviors and human interactions in social science research. This method makes it possible for researchers to systematically record multiple or complex phenomena in contexts where live observations might be distracting or impossible due to resource limitations. In response to the widespread use of video recordings in research, several software platforms have been developed for the coding and analysis of video observations. This presentation describes the advantages and challenges of collecting data from video recordings; outlines important considerations in the development of coding schemes for video data collection; offers an overview of some of the most common and flexible software available; and includes demonstrations of select software with real research data examples.
Frances Chumney earned her bachelor’s in psychology from East Tennessee State University in 2007. She is currently a doctoral student in Quantitative, Qualitative and Psychometric Methods in the Educational Psychology Program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. She serves in project management roles for the National Center for Research on Rural Education (R2Ed). Her research interests include estimation of structural equation models with small samples, categorical data analysis, and the translation of advanced statistical practices for applied researchers.