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School Psychology Specialization in Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)

Research Team


Principal Investigator: Scott Napolitano

Funding Information

Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education

Award Date: Aug 1, 2016

End Date: Jul 30, 2022


The UNL School Psychology Specialization in Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) will prepare 20 Master's (two-year program) and/or educational specialist (three-year program) level school psychologists to assess adolescents who have experienced a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury, intervene with those students and consult with their educators and parents. Through specialized coursework and practicums the project will train scholars to: 

  • assess mTBI,
  • implement evidence-based interventions to address cognitive, academic, learning, social, emotional and behavioral effects, and
  • consult with teachers, other related school personnel and their parents in designing interventions and accommodation plans to support their educational success.
The project design will support development of products and services through a collaborative effort at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) between the School Psychology program and the Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior (CB3). The school psychology program is highly respected in producing students to practice in educational settings while CB3 serves as a national resource for research and training for concussion.

Highly qualified faculty will instruct and monitor the scholars acquisition of knowledge and delivery of direct and consultative services. The outcomes will be measured through monitoring scholars competencies and adolescents with mTBI progress in functioning.

Social, Emotional and Behavioral Well-being

Scott Napolitano, educational psychology associate professor of practice
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