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Coaching in Early Intervention (CEI): Promoting Outcomes for Infants/Toddlers with Disabilities through Evidence-Based Practices

Research Team

Name Name Name

Principal Investigator: Lisa Knoche

Co-Principal Investigators: Susan Sheridan, Gwen Nugent, Rachel Schachter

Funding Information

Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education—Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)

Award Date: Nov 1, 2020

End Date: Oct 31, 2024


The project is a partnership between the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the Nebraska Early Development Network (NEDN), which operates the state’s early intervention services. It is designed to identify and evaluate the implementation of effective strategies to improve capacity of regional early intervention programs and their personnel to overcome the challenges experienced in implementing evidence-based practices.

The project aims to improve outcomes for infants/toddlers with disabilities and their families through the refinement, implementation and evaluation of a systematic and sustainable coaching system to reinforce the use of evidence-based practices by local early intervention personnel, including direct service providers and services coordinators.

Coaches who participate in the comprehensive Coaching in Early Intervention (CEI) model receive training and ongoing support in evidence-based coaching practices and data-driven activities. They will be trained to individualize their approach to meet the varying needs of early intervention personnel with diverse backgrounds, responsibilities and skills.

Rural Schools and Communities, Academic Intervention & Learning, Early Childhood Education and Development

The project's professional development framework aims to help develop and retain coaches — and ensure ongoing, high quality services for children and families.
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