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Afterschool Programming Return on Investments Studies: A Review of the Literature

Research Team

Principal Investigator: Greg Welch

Co-Principal Investigators: Gina Kunz

Funding Information

Funding Agency: Nebraska Children & Families Foundation

Award Date: Mar 1, 2016

End Date: Jul 15, 2016


After-school programs are common in the United States. As with any educational program, after-school programs come with associated costs in terms of funding and personnel resources. As the number of programs increases, there is a growing need to understand the benefits or “return on investments” related to after-school programs. 

This project is designed to (a) conduct a comprehensive review of the research literature related to return on investment studies conducted on after-school programs, (b) produce a written document representing a synthesis of the findings from the literature review, and (c) generate additional documents for distribution (e.g., fact sheet, bibliography).

Research, Measurement and Evaluation Methods