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From left, Kathleen Rudasill, professor of educational psychology and interim dean for research and faculty development at Virginia Commonwealth University, and Gwen Nugent, CYFS research professor, introduce children to a few of the puppet characters of INSIGHTS.
New INSIGHTS: Testing the Efficacy of INSIGHTS for Promoting Positive Learning Environments and Academic Achievement in Nebraska
Research Team
Principal Investigator: Gwen Nugent
Co-Principal Investigators: Susan Sheridan, James Bovaird, Sandra McClowry
Funding Information
Funding Agency: Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
Award Date: Jun 1, 2023
End Date: Mar 31, 2025
INSIGHTS is a temperament-based emotional and behavioral skills intervention that has been found in a previous Institute of Education Sciences efficacy trial to reduce disruptive behavior, improve attention skills, and improve reading and math achievement of economically disadvantaged children.
This replication study will assess the usability, fidelity and feasibility of the technology-enhanced programs, and will compare student, teacher and parent outcomes of the New INSIGHTS to data collected in prior efficacy trials. It expands the program to include training for all students, teachers and parents.
Rural Schools and Communities, Academic Intervention & Learning, Early Childhood Education and Development