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TAPP Para Familias Latinas: Benefitting Students, Families and Schools

Research Team

Name Name Name

Principal Investigator: Susan Sheridan

Co-Principal Investigators: Lorey Wheeler, Brandy Clarke

Funding Information

Funding Agency: Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

Award Date: Jul 1, 2016

End Date: Jun 30, 2022


Evidence-based interventions testing culturally responsive models that target Latinx student educational outcomes and parent-school partnerships are lacking. Conjoint Behavioral Consultation (CBC) is an indirect, problem-solving model dually focused on resolving social-behavioral problems interfering with achievement and enhancing family-school partnerships. Despite empirical evidence of CBC’s benefits, its efficacy for supporting Latinx students’ social-behavioral and academic performance has not been tested. The primary purpose of this replication study is to identify the main effects of CBC on (a) social-behavioral and academic outcomes of Latinx students in grades K-5; and (b) parent and teacher relationships and competencies for supporting Latinx students. 

The study will take place within 90 K-5 classrooms with high school Latinx student populations across school districts in Nebraska. Latinx students in grades K-5 with behaviors affecting academic performance will participate in the study, along with their parents/primary caregivers and classroom teacher.

Within each treatment classroom, a CBC consultant will conduct small group consultation with participating parents and the teacher to identify and replace specific disruptive behaviors that interfere with each student’s achievement. CBC will be implemented through a sequence of interviews and activities during pre-consultation, as well as four formal stages over the course of eight weeks. Participants in the control condition will receive traditional school-based services used with Latinx students with behavioral concerns, including office referrals, student assistance teams, or multidisciplinary teams for special education eligibility assessment.

Early Childhood Education and Development, Academic Intervention & Learning, Social, Emotional and Behavioral Well-being