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Assessing Home Food Environment and Diabetes Self-Management Among Adult Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Research Team

Principal Investigator: Weiwen Chai

Funding Information

Funding Agency: Office of Research and Economic Development—Layman Award

Award Date: Jun 1, 2018

End Date: Dec 31, 2018


Type 2 diabetes and its complications affect 350 million adults worldwide. However, successfully managing Type 2 diabetes through proper nutrition and healthy lifestyles remains challenging for many diabetes patients. Assessing patients’ home food environment is important, since food purchased and consumed can affect blood glucose and lipid levels.

For each group, 50 participants will be recruited. Each group will include participants with similar age, gender, race/ethnicity, income level and educational backgrounds as participants in the other groups.

Researchers will also use follow-up interviews to identify challenges related to diabetes management and strategies for successful management.

Expected outcomes include:
  • Pre-diabetes patients and patients with Type 2 diabetes will have poorer scores in home food environment assessment and eating behaviors compared to healthy individuals; and
  • There will be differences in variables of home food environment, diabetes self-management, dietary intakes and physical activity among patient groups. 
Findings will help researchers and diabetes educators tailor programs for successful diabetes management through improving home food environment and dietary practice.

Research, Measurement and Evaluation Methods