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Common Measures e-Learning

Research Team

Principal Investigator: Seth Teager

Funding Information

Funding Agency: National 4-H Council

Award Date: Sep 1, 2017

End Date: Sep 30, 2018


This self-directed course, composed of eight modules, is designed for front-line 4-H Youth Development Staff interested in learning how multiple forms of data (4-H Common Measures data and Lesson Study data) can be used to help make decisions in regards to program improvement and professional development opportunities.

Through the learning modules, participants gain the knowledge to effectively leverage Common Measure 2.0 to acquire the youth-generated data needed to assess and enhance a program. The data enables participants to better understand how and what youth are learning in each of the major 4-H areas of emphasis. 

Through a deeper dive into 4-H Common Measures and Lesson Study, participants increase their understanding of basic program evaluation practices, will learn how to successfully access and implement 4-H Common Measures and Lesson Study, and ultimately will understand how when paired together result in making data-driven decisions.

Research, Measurement and Evaluation Methods