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Treatment Intensity Factors Related to Efficient and Effective Communication

Research Team

Principal Investigator: Birdie Ganz

Funding Information

Funding Agency: Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

Award Date: May 8, 2024

End Date: Aug 31, 2025


Individuals with autism spectrum disorder, moderate to severe intellectual delay, and complex communication needs typically require highly intensive, costly, individualized educational interventions.

This project will lead to the development of protocols for instructional personnel and parents to guide them in selecting treatment intensity parameters and implementing efficient, acceptable and effective treatment for improving communication the target population. 

Researchers will investigate differential effects of treatment intensity parameters — such as dosage, generalization and treatment integrity — and related mediators and moderators of communication acquisition in a range of vocal, unaided and aided manualized, and replicable intervention strategies. They will investigate the quality of the designs based on What Works Clearinghouse. 

Analysis will focus on (a) the degree to which dosage parameters are utilized, (b) which parameters are most often reported, (c) interactions between learner characteristics and dosage parameters and (d) distinctions in dosage parameters between social pragmatic communication intervention protocols compared to functional-behavioral protocols and other popular manualized programs.

Research, Measurement and Evaluation Methods, Biological Bases of Learning and Behavior