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Crockett leads study of contextual impacts on temperament, teen outcomes

kids-in-classA challenging 10-year-old responds to neglectful parents by acting out at home. At school, an attentive fourth-grade teacher tries to reach the child by listening, observing and encouraging him.

Can the child’s classroom experience curb the difficult temperament being compounded at home? How will the resulting short-term impacts shape his long-term development? Full Article

Davidson earns APA early career award

Meghan Davidson
Meghan Davidson

M. Meghan Davidson, a CYFS faculty affiliate and assistant professor of educational psychology at UNL, has earned the Fritz and Linn Kuder Early Career Scientist/Practitioner Award from Division 17 of the American Psychological Association.

The award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to the science and practice of counseling psychology, is given to a scholar who has received a doctoral degree within the past 10 years. Full Article

Swearer named Willa Cather professor

Susan Swearer
Susan Swearer

Susan Swearer, professor of educational psychology and CYFS faculty affiliate, will receive the title of Willa Cather professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Honors Convocation on April 13.

The Willa Cather/Charles Bessey professorships recognize full professors who have established exceptional records of distinguished scholarship or creative activity, with recipients free to select either the Cather or Bessey designation. Full Article

Dalla to found first quarterly journal on human trafficking

Human Trafficking
UNL associate professor Rochelle Dalla visited Mumbai, India, in summer 2012 to interview women trafficked into prostitution. Dalla recently learned that she will become the founder of the Journal of Human Trafficking, the first quarterly academic journal devoted exclusively to the topic.

It’s everywhere – provided you know where to find it.

Years of research have taught CYFS faculty affiliate Rochelle Dalla that the lesson applies both to the shadowy practice of human trafficking and the scattered information surrounding it.

Dalla will aim to assemble research and foster discourse on the issue by founding the recently approved Journal of Human Trafficking, which she cited as the first of its kind. Full Article

Engen-Wedin recognized by Nebraska Department of Education

Nancy Engen-Wedin
Nancy Engen-Wedin

CYFS faculty affiliate Nancy Engen-Wedin has received the Friend of American Indian Education Award from the Nebraska Department of Education.

Engen-Wedin, coordinator of the Indigenous Roots Teacher Education Program (ROOTS) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was honored at the NDE’s Native American Student Achievement Symposium in October. Full Article

Researchers author chapter on parenting chess prodigies

Researchers author chapter on parenting chess prodigiesLaser-like focus? Check. Keen memory? Check. Intrinsic motivation? Check.

Parental support? Checkmate.

The development of chess prodigies owes much to the parents who foster their innate talent, according to a book chapter recently co-authored by two CYFS researchers – one of whom can speak from personal experience. Full Article