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Sheridan moderates NET panel on parent engagement in education

Susan Sheridan, director of the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools, moderated a panel on parent engagement in children’s education that aired Aug. 15 on NET2 World.

The Challenge of Parent Engagement,” an hour-long episode of Nebraska Educational Telecommunications’ “The State of Education in Nebraska” series, featured a discussion among educators and administrators from Lincoln, Crete, Grand Island and Omaha. In addition to addressing the many forms and benefits of parent engagement, the panel examined how best to foster connections among parents, schools and community organizations.

The program also included an interview with Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman and First Lady Sally Ganem, who proclaimed August as Parental Involvement Month in the state.

“The Challenge of Parent Engagement” will re-air Aug. 18 at 2 p.m., Aug. 22 at 7 p.m. and Aug. 25 at 1 p.m.

Sheridan, a George Holmes University Professor of educational psychology, has spent much of her career researching the relationships between parents and teachers for the sake of identifying meaningful ways to establish home-school partnerships. She has focused especially on a model of service delivery known as Conjoint Behavioral Consultation, an approach that coordinates collaboration among parents, teachers and other caregivers interested in addressing the concerns they share for children.

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