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Graduate Student Q&A with Sonia Lindner

Sonia Lindner, CYFS graduate student
Sonia Lindner, CYFS graduate student

Name: Sonia Lindner

Program: Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology

Year: First year (just completed)

Project: Coaching Science Inquiry in Rural Schools

What will you be doing with the project? 

I am helping to generate and implement a coding scheme that will be used to analyze video-recorded coaching sessions with middle school and high school teachers. The project aims to identify which elements of the coaching process lead to desired teacher and student outcomes. Full Article

Graduate Student Q&A with Danae Peterson

Danae Peterson, CYFS graduate student
Danae Peterson, CYFS graduate student

Name: Danae Peterson

Program: Ph.D. in Educational Studies/Instructional Technology

Year: First year (just completed)

Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska

Project: Coaching Science Inquiry in Rural Schools

What will you be doing with the project?

I will be working with the team to help code videos of previously recorded coaching collaboration. Full Article

Bhatia receives Buffett dissertation fellowship

Sonya Bhatia
Sonya Bhatia

Sonya Bhatia, doctoral student in school psychology, has received the 2017-18 Buffett Early Childhood Institute Graduate Scholars fellowship. The $24,980 fellowship will fund Bhatia’s dissertation project, “An Examination of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation’s Effects on Teacher-Student Interactions.” Full Article

Dizona receives APA award for assessment research

Paul Dizona
Paul Dizona

Paul Dizona, CYFS graduate assistant, has received the Psychological Assessment Young Scholars Award from the American Psychological Association.

The award recognizes his research poster, titled “Pre-K Measurement Triangulation Using Caregiver and Directly Assessed Measures of Cognitive Ability,” which Dizona will present at the 2017 APA Convention Aug. 2-6. Full Article

White receives dissertation award to study early childhood self-regulation

Andrew White
Andrew White

Andrew White, CYFS graduate assistant and doctoral student in school psychology, recently received a dissertation award from the Society for the Study of School Psychology. His thesis is titled “Using Self-Regulation to Predict Preschoolers’ Disruptive Behavior Disorders.” Full Article

Undergraduate research assistants receive poster award

CYFS undergraduate research assistants, from left: Laura Domet, Zac Egr and Madison Warrick.
CYFS undergraduate research assistants Laura Domet, Zac Egr and Madison Warrick present their poster at the 2017 UNL Spring Research Fair. They earned an award that recognized outstanding posters from each college. View photos.

Three CYFS undergraduate research assistants have received a top research poster award from the College of Education and Human Sciences, and the Office of Undergraduate Research at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Laura Domet, Zac Egr and Madison Warrick received the $250 award, which recognizes outstanding posters that were presented at the UNL Spring Research Fair. The award is funded by the College of Education and Human Sciences. Full Article