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Video available for Eric Youngstrom’s Emerging Scholars Series keynote address

Eric Youngstrom, University of North Carolina professor of psychology and neuroscience, and psychiatry, delivers his keynote address April 19 to begin the two-day Emerging Scholars Series.

Eric Youngstrom, University of North Carolina professor of psychology and neuroscience, and psychiatry, led the April 19-20 Emerging Scholars Series hosted by CYFS’ Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics.

The event’s keynote presentation, titled “Moving from Intuition to Machine Learning: How Can Quantitative Methods Improve Clinical Decision-Making?” is now available on video. Full Article

Summit on Research in Early Childhood helps connect research, practice, policy

Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, the Stanley and Debra Lefkowitz Faculty Fellow in the Department of Psychology at Temple University and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, delivers the summit’s keynote address

Creating connections among early childhood research, practice and policy — and how each element can enhance the lives of young children and their families — provided the central theme of the 2018 CYFS Summit on Research in Early Childhood.

More than 200 attendees, including researchers from across the University of Nebraska system, practitioners, administrators, community partners and policymakers, gathered April 25 at Nebraska Innovation Campus for the daylong, fifth biennial summit, which highlighted the latest findings in early childhood research from NU-affiliated faculty, and those findings’ implications for practice and policy. Full Article

Video available for Ann Arthur presentation

Ann Arthur, graduate research assistant, discusses loglinear models during her March 30 Methodology Applications Series presentation.

Ann Arthur, graduate research assistant in educational psychology, led a March 30 presentation in the 2018 Methodology Applications Series. Her presentation, “An Introduction to Loglinear Models,” is now available via video.

View video.

Arthur’s presentation briefly summarizes the application of loglinear models for the analysis of categorical data, as well as how the loglinear model serves as a useful reparameterization for logistic models and latent class models. Full Article

Research building relationships between schools, Latino families

April Stortvedt, a Lincoln, Nebraska elementary school teacher, gives her fifth grade class directions for their upcoming book presentations. Stortvedt participated in the TAPP Latino study along with one of her students.

April Stortvedt addresses her fifth-grade students as they prepare for upcoming book presentations. Behind her, a laminated poster outlines her four classroom rules: Be respectful, be honest, be responsible and follow directions the first time.

According to Stortvedt, a CYFS research study has helped one of her students better abide by these classroom rules. Through the study, Teachers and Parents as Partners (TAPP) for Latino Families, Stortvedt collaborated with her student’s parent to improve behavior at home and school. Full Article

Tippens explores well-being among older refugees

Julie Tippens

Like many large cities, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, is a patchwork of coexisting prosperity and poverty. Nebraska researcher Julie Tippens is navigating this city’s urban divide in search of refugee families from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Tippens is investigating how Congolese refugees, particularly older refugees, are faring in Tanzania’s urban environments. Six of 10 refugees now live in cities — many lacking legal documentation — and the majority still live in countries of first asylum where they initially arrived after fleeing violence and unrest in their home countries. Full Article

Research article named best of 2017 by Journal of School Psychology

From left, Susan Sheridan, CYFS director; Amanda Witte, CYFS project manager; and Shannon Holmes, postdoctoral affiliate at the University of Missouri, accept the award for Best Article of 2017.

A peer-reviewed research paper highlighting the success of a research-based program designed by CYFS has been named the 2017 Article of the Year by the Journal of School Psychology.

The article, “A randomized trial examining the effects of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation in rural schools: Student outcomes and the mediating role of the teacher-parent relationship,” appeared in the April 2017 issue of the Journal of School Psychology. It was one of two separate articles published about the outcomes of research using Conjoint Behavioral Consultation (CBC), a program now known as Teachers and Parents as Partners (TAPP). Full Article