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CYFS’ MAP Academy awarded national 4-H grant

CYFS researchers working to refine the 4-H Common Measures include, from left, Leslie Hawley, research assistant professor; Andrew White, graduate student in school psychology; Ann Arthur, graduate student in educational psychology; Michelle Howell Smith, research assistant professor; and Natalie Koziol, postdoctoral research associate.

Researchers from the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS) are embarking on a collaborative project to enhance program evaluations for 4-H, the nation’s largest youth development organization.

CYFS’ Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics recently received a $225,000 grant from the National 4-H Council to review and revise the 4-H Common Measures, a set of surveys used to identify and measure youth outcomes. Full Article

CYFS researchers present national webinar

Registration is open for a national webinar hosted by CYFS researchers, from left, Jim Houston, Gwen Nugent and Gina Kunz.

As students learn to think like a scientist, a CYFS research team is discovering how to best prepare teachers as they emphasize inquiry over traditional science instruction.

CYFS researchers led a webinar May 12 to discuss the process and findings of their project, “Coaching Science Inquiry (CSI) in Rural Schools.”  CSI examines how professional development and follow-up coaching influences teachers’ implementation of guided science inquiry—a classroom approach designed to help students learn the methods used by scientists to study the natural world. Full Article

Researchers from CYFS’ MAP Academy publish rural article

Researchers from CYFS’ MAP Academy recently published findings in the Journal of Research in Rural Education. The team includes methodologists, from left, Carina McCormick, Natalie Koziol, Ann Arthur, Kirstie Bash, Leslie Hawley, Greg Welch and James Bovaird.

Gretna and Chadron, Nebraska, are each home to slightly more than 5,500 residents. That’s where their similarity ends.

The city of Gretna borders a major metropolitan suburb, while—nearly 500 miles away in Nebraska’s Panhandle—Chadron is a short drive from the Badlands of South Dakota. Full Article