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Davidson earns APA early career award

Meghan Davidson

M. Meghan Davidson, a CYFS faculty affiliate and assistant professor of educational psychology at UNL, has earned the Fritz and Linn Kuder Early Career Scientist/Practitioner Award from Division 17 of the American Psychological Association.

The award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to the science and practice of counseling psychology, is given to a scholar who has received a doctoral degree within the past 10 years. Full Article

CYFS outlines latest research at Early Childhood Summit

Samuel Meisels

The Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools shared the latest results, conclusions and questions arising from research on early childhood when it hosted an April 10 summit in Lincoln, Neb.

Co-sponsored by the Buffett Early Childhood Institute and First Five Nebraska, the 2014 CYFS Summit on Research in Early Childhood featured 16 presentations that highlighted findings from a wide spectrum of recent studies related to early development, care and education. Full Article

Sheridan receives ORCA award

Susan Sheridan

A career dedicated to improving children’s development has earned CYFS director Susan Sheridan the University of Nebraska’s highest honor for research.

Sheridan, a George Holmes University Professor of educational psychology, has been named a 2014 recipient of NU’s Outstanding Research and Creative Activity award. Sheridan will accept the honor at the University-wide Teaching, Research and Engagement Awards on April 30. Full Article

Swearer named Willa Cather professor

Susan Swearer

Susan Swearer, professor of educational psychology and CYFS faculty affiliate, will receive the title of Willa Cather professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Honors Convocation on April 13.

The Willa Cather/Charles Bessey professorships recognize full professors who have established exceptional records of distinguished scholarship or creative activity, with recipients free to select either the Cather or Bessey designation. Full Article

CYFS researcher leads roundtable on science literacy in rural communities

Gina Kunz, Ph.D.

CYFS research associate professor Gina Kunz led a roundtable discussion of how family-school partnerships can bolster science literacy in rural communities as part of a Feb. 19 Big Idea Seminar co-sponsored by CYFS.

Kunz prefaced the discussion by reviewing the structure, goals and key findings underlying family-school partnerships. She also outlined several partnership-based strategies for enhancing children’s awareness and understanding of science. Full Article

CYFS to host April 10 summit on early childhood

2014 CYFS Summit on Research in Early ChildhoodThe Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools will provide a forum for sharing and discussing the latest research on early childhood when it hosts an April 10 summit in Lincoln, Neb.

Co-sponsored by the Buffett Early Childhood Institute and First Five Nebraska, the 2014 CYFS Summit on Research in Early Childhood will feature three rounds of presentations that outline recent findings from CYFS faculty and affiliates. Subsequent small-group roundtables will facilitate discussion of how these findings can inform early childhood practice and policy. Full Article

Feb. 19 presentation, roundtables to address science literacy

Rodger Bybee, a long-time researcher and advocate for improving science instruction, will explore strategies for fostering children’s science literacy during a Feb. 19 presentation co-sponsored by CYFS.

As part of the Agricultural Research Division’s Big Idea Seminar Series, Bybee will present “Building Science Literacy through Engagement in Community and Environmental Stewardship” from 3-4:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union on UNL’s City Campus. Full Article

CYFS announces research fellowship for CEHS faculty

CYFS announces research fellowship for CEHS facultyThe Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools has announced a new fellowship program for faculty in UNL’s College of Education and Human Sciences.

Created for associate and full professors or research professors, the CYFS Research Fellowship Program will give faculty who have made measurable progress on a dedicated program of research – yet need additional time and support to expand the depth and breadth of that research – one year of in-house professional leave. Fellows will receive a one-course buy-out for each of two consecutive semesters. Full Article