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CYFS examining intervention’s effects on early obesity

Obesity intervention

A family-school partnership program shown to improve children’s behavior, academics and social skills will now take a seat at the table of another early childhood challenge.

CYFS researchers recently earned two grants to study whether obesity among children ages 3-5 can be curbed by a collaborative intervention known as Teachers and Parents as Partners, or TAPP. Full Article

Journal of School Psychology names CYFS article best of 2013

Susan Sheridan

A peer-reviewed paper from the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools has been selected as 2013 Article of the Year by the Journal of School Psychology.

Lead author and CYFS director Susan Sheridan will accept the award from the Society for the Study of School Psychology on Aug. 8 in Washington, D.C., site of the 2014 American Psychological Association Convention. Full Article

Tyler using technology to study substance use among homeless

CYFS affiliate Kimberly Tyler

The mercurial nature of homelessness has kept researchers from pinpointing which factors limit substance use – and how others trigger it – among the nearly 3 million American youth living on the streets.

With a new $400,000 grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, CYFS affiliate Kimberly Tyler will use technology to address this sociological challenge for the sake of confronting the societal one. Full Article

Sheridan authors guide to help teachers partner with parents

The Tough Kid: Teachers and Parents as PartnersCYFS director Susan Sheridan has authored a newly published practice guide designed to help teachers and school professionals engage parents in partnerships that support children’s learning.

Available from Pacific Northwest Publishers, “The Tough Kid: Teachers and Parents as Partners” takes its name from a family-school intervention approach developed and extensively researched by Sheridan. Full Article

Crockett leads study of contextual impacts on temperament, teen outcomes

kids-in-classA challenging 10-year-old responds to neglectful parents by acting out at home. At school, an attentive fourth-grade teacher tries to reach the child by listening, observing and encouraging him.

Can the child’s classroom experience curb the difficult temperament being compounded at home? How will the resulting short-term impacts shape his long-term development? Full Article

CYFS unveils website commemorating 10th anniversary

CYFS 10th Anniversary WebsiteThe Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools has commemorated its 10th anniversary with the release of a website encapsulating the center’s history and influence across the past decade.

The website features a dynamic timeline of CYFS milestones, a section summarizing the center’s major strands of research, an infographic-filled overview of its impact, and a chapter outlining the collaborations that have made its research possible. Full Article

CYFS partnership model featured in Lincoln Journal Star

The Lincoln Journal Star illustrated the application and impacts of a CYFS family-school partnership model in a May 2 feature.

The story includes interviews with the mother and teacher of a third-grade student who participated in the Teachers and Parents as Partners intervention. Formerly known as Conjoint Behavioral Consultation, the intervention approach was developed by CYFS director Susan Sheridan and has been employed by urban, suburban and rural communities throughout Nebraska. Full Article

Witte recognized for research poster on family-school partnerships

Amanda Witte

CYFS doctoral student affiliate Amanda Witte received recognition for producing one of the top 10 posters among more than 160 presented at the 2014 UNL Spring Graduate Research and Creative Activities Poster Session in mid-April.

Witte, who manages the CYFS-housed Conjoint Behavioral Consultation (CBC) in Rural Communities project, presented a poster outlining how the CBC intervention’s impact on parent-teacher relationships influences the behavior of K-3 students. Full Article