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Doctoral affiliate Hubel studying risk factors of child maltreatment

The Early Head Start program aims to give young children exactly that. However, the program has fought a recurring battle against the maltreatment of those children by the same low-income families it seeks to assist.

In 2009, CYFS Doctoral Student Affiliate Grace Hubel began working as a mental health consultant with a local Early Head Start center in Lincoln, Neb. Through her interactions with families and conversations with staff, Hubel realized that the program’s children seemed especially susceptible to the neglect and abuse that research has linked with psychiatric disorders, poor communication skills and antisocial behavior. Full Article

CYFS leading meta-analysis on parental engagement in education

CYFS Postdoctoral Fellow Elizabeth Moorman Kim (left), CYFS Director Susan Sheridan (center) and the University of Texas at Austin's Tasha Beretvas will determine the impacts of both parent-involvement and family-school partnership interventions by collecting and analyzing decades' worth of research studies.

If research studies represent the jigsaw pieces to complex puzzles, meta-analyses assemble them into cohesive pictures that help resolve important questions.

CYFS Postdoctoral Fellow Elizabeth Moorman Kim and CYFS Director Susan Sheridan are currently gathering those pieces to clarify the impacts of two intervention-based approaches for engaging parents in their children’s education. Full Article

CYFS director co-edits early childhood handbook

After years of advancing research on early childhood education, CYFS Director Susan Sheridan recently helped chronicle the state of the science in the latest edition of a handbook recognized as a standard-bearer for the field.

Sheridan served as co-associate editor for the newly published fifth edition of the “Handbook of Early Childhood Education,” a 634-page publication that reviews current research on early education and identifies its implications for practice and policy. Full Article

Faculty affiliate Edwards receives research award

Carolyn Pope Edwards

CYFS Faculty Affiliate Carolyn Pope Edwards received the University of Nebraska’s 2012 Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award during the April 11 University-wide Teaching, Research and Engagement Awards Luncheon in Lincoln, Neb.

Edwards, a Willa Cather Professor in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies and Department of Psychology, was one of two recipients of the award. It recognizes a sustained record of outstanding research or creative activity of national / international significance conducted by full-time faculty members at the University of Nebraska. The annual award dates back to 1978. Full Article

Nugent serves as co-editor of new robotics book

Gwen Nugent

As ever-younger children grow up with cell phones, tablet computers and photorealistic video games, a CYFS researcher has co-edited a new book designed to help educators teach students using another technology: robotics.

CYFS Research Associate Professor Gwen Nugent teamed up with three University of Nebraska researchers, including two CYFS faculty affiliates, to edit and contribute to the recently published “Robots in K-12 Education: A New Technology for Learning.” Full Article