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Faculty affiliate Edwards receives research award

Carolyn Pope Edwards

CYFS Faculty Affiliate Carolyn Pope Edwards received the University of Nebraska’s 2012 Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award during the April 11 University-wide Teaching, Research and Engagement Awards Luncheon in Lincoln, Neb.

Edwards, a Willa Cather Professor in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies and Department of Psychology, was one of two recipients of the award. It recognizes a sustained record of outstanding research or creative activity of national / international significance conducted by full-time faculty members at the University of Nebraska. The annual award dates back to 1978. Full Article

Nugent serves as co-editor of new robotics book

Gwen Nugent

As ever-younger children grow up with cell phones, tablet computers and photorealistic video games, a CYFS researcher has co-edited a new book designed to help educators teach students using another technology: robotics.

CYFS Research Associate Professor Gwen Nugent teamed up with three University of Nebraska researchers, including two CYFS faculty affiliates, to edit and contribute to the recently published “Robots in K-12 Education: A New Technology for Learning.” Full Article

Witte, Dooley to visit Hong Kong

CYFS Doctoral Student Affiliates Amanda Witte (second from right) and Kadie Dooley (far right) will be joined by CEHS students Shari DeVeney (far left) and Brittany Grundel on a week-long trip to Hong Kong.

Two CYFS student affiliates will present their research – and immerse themselves in an “East meets West” culture – when they depart for a week-long visit to Hong Kong on Nov. 29.

Amanda Witte and Kadie Dooley, both doctoral candidates in the Department of Educational Psychology, were among four students recently selected to present research papers at the University of Hong Kong’s Postgraduate Research Conference on Dec. 3. Full Article

Student affiliates participate in CEHS research conference

Affiliates of the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools showcased their recent and ongoing studies during the Nov. 12 College of Education and Human Sciences Student Research Conference.

The conference, held throughout Teachers College and Mabel Lee Halls, gave students a forum to unveil research papers and project posters among their CEHS peers and mentors. Jon Pedersen, CEHS associate dean for research and CYFS faculty affiliate, provided the conference’s opening remarks. Full Article

Mission to Haiti inspires CYFS director

CYFS Director Susan Sheridan stands before the remnants of The Renaissance School in La Montagne, Haiti.

Classrooms missing roofs and walls. Children lacking access to basic education. Teachers using tarp as chalkboards.

And, amidst it all, the indomitable spirit of people working to improve each other’s lives.

CYFS Director Susan Sheridan encountered these dual realities during a recent mission to La Montagne (mawn-TYN’), Haiti, a beautiful but historically poor mountainside community devastated by a 2010 earthquake. Full Article

CYFS postdoc Ryoo receives university award

Ji Hoon Ryoo

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln recently presented the 2011 Outstanding Postdoc Award to Ji Hoon Ryoo, a postdoctoral research associate with the CYFS-housed National Center for Research on Rural Education (R2Ed).

The award recognizes exceptional postdoctoral scholars for their comprehensive efforts in research, teaching, mentoring, innovation and service to UNL or the community. Ryoo received the honor during the Nov. 2 UNL Research Fair. He was nominated by mentor James Bovaird, director of the CYFS Statistics and Research Methodology Unit and associate professor with UNL’s Department of Educational Psychology. Full Article