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Video available for fall methodology workshop

David MacKinnon presents during the fall 2016 Nebraska Methodology Workshop.

David MacKinnon, foundation professor of psychology at Arizona State University, led the 2016 Nebraska Methodology Workshop on Sept. 30.

The all-day workshop, “Introduction to Modern Mediation Analysis,” drew more than 80 students, faculty and community members. MacKinnon also presented a free, public keynote address at the conclusion of the workshop, titled “Controversies in Modern Mediation Analysis.” Full Article

Students gain skills in early childhood autism spectrum disorders

Micheale Marcus, left, works with one of her clients at UNMC's Autism Care for Toddlers Clinic. The clinic provides services to children with autism, and their families.

Micheale Marcus puts her hands in the air. Then on her nose. Then on the table—a miniature one, where she sits with her client: a 3-year-old toddler who mimics her every move.

Marcus, a second-year graduate student, is receiving training in early childhood autism spectrum disorders through a new traineeship offered in the College of Education and Human Sciences’ school psychology graduate program. Full Article

Arthur receives student paper, travel awards

Ann Arthur

Ann Arthur, CYFS graduate assistant, has earned student paper and travel awards from the International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testing.

During the Nov. 9-13 conference in Miami, Florida, Arthur will present her paper, “Advances in Questionnaire Design for Youth.” She developed the paper while working on a project with CYFS’ Nebraska Academy for Analytics, Psychometrics and Analytics (MAP Academy). Full Article

Retreat draws translational science experts, interdisciplinary scholars

The Interdisciplinary Science Retreat featured a panel of national experts including, from left, Diana H. Fishbein, Elaine Wethington and Dick Spoth. Susan Sheridan, far right, was the panel's moderator.

Impacting communities begins with building community.

That was the message and purpose of the Sept. 19 Interdisciplinary Science Retreat, which drew more than 75 UNL researchers from the social, educational and behavioral sciences. The event provided opportunities to learn from national experts, identify local expertise and facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations. Full Article

$1.1M grant to launch UNL concussion management program

With concussion awareness at an all-time high, school personnel are increasingly responsible for supporting students’ recovery.

Scott Napolitano, assistant professor of practice in educational psychology, has been awarded a $1.1 million grant to develop evidence-based training that will help schools diagnose and manage cases of concussion and mild traumatic brain injury in students. Full Article

Team supports 4-H program evaluation

CYFS methodologists with the MAP Academy are helping 4H enhance a set of survey instruments. The team includes, from left, Jarrod Stevens, Natalie Koziol, Lorey Wheeler, Ann Arthur, Michelle Howell Smith and Leslie Hawley.

A CYFS team is traveling nationwide to help 4-H assess its impact—one that extends to nearly six million youth through school and community programs, clubs and camps.

The team is working to enhance the 4-H Common Measures, a collection of multiple survey instruments that assess youth development outcomes. The team’s revisions began last year with input from a national advisory board. They are now heading into the field to get perspectives from the survey’s intended demographic—4-H youth and leaders. Full Article

Sept. 19 Interdisciplinary Translational Science Retreat open to UNL faculty, students

National experts in translational science will present at UNL’s Nebraska Union on Sept. 19 as part of the 2016 Interdisciplinary Translational Science Retreat.

Hosted by CYFS and five UNL colleges and organizations, the all-day retreat will focus on translational science for social, behavioral and educational research fields. Speakers include Diana Fishbein, Penn State University; Elaine Wethington, Cornell University; and Richard Spoth, Iowa State University. Full Article