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Video available for MAP Academy presentation featuring Yingying Wang

Yingying Wang, associate professor of special education and communication disorders, and director of UNL’s Neuroimaging for Language, Literacy and Learning (NL3) Lab, led the Spring 2024 Methodology Applications Series presentation May 3.

Video is now available of Wang’s presentation, “Capturing Life in Motion: Leveraging Wearable Technology for Human Subjects Research.” Full Article

Early Childhood Research Summit helps connect research, practice, policy

Creating connections among early childhood research, practice and policy — and how each can enhance the lives of young children and their families — provided the central theme of the 2024 CYFS Early Childhood Research Summit.

Almost 200 attendees, including researchers from across the University of Nebraska system, practitioners, administrators, community partners and policymakers, gathered April 23 at Nebraska Innovation Campus for the daylong, seventh biennial summit, which highlighted the latest research to advance early childhood education and development, and implications for practice and policy. Full Article

Research explores how classroom time affects children’s self-regulation skills

In recent years, illnesses, quarantines and school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic have increased emphasis on the importance of instructional time for children’s academic achievement following absences from the classroom.

There is also recent evidence that pandemic school closures disproportionately affected U.S. schools that had students with lower third-grade standardized test scores and higher shares of students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. Full Article

MAP Academy selects three faculty to receive ‘Catalyst’ awards

The Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics (MAP Academy) is awarding $5,000 through a competitive funding opportunity created to address the increased need to enhance the rigor of field-based human subjects research at the University of Nebraska. These awards were made possible by a grant from the Nebraska Research Initiative. Full Article

Brain-connected technology opening doors for children with severe speech, physical impairments

Imagine being locked inside your own body, isolated and struggling to meaningfully connect and communicate with those around you.

Now imagine trying to cope with such isolation as a child.

For children with severe speech and physical impairments (SSPI), the lack of reliable communication methods has devastating impacts on their quality of life, well-being, medical care and social interactions. Full Article

Project provides Huskers with hands-on teaching experience in diverse classrooms

Becoming a teacher is not easy. Along with the required formal education, the process requires plenty of patience, preparation, curiosity and enthusiasm.

One less-apparent ingredient of learning to be a teacher is the ability to navigate the ever-changing landscape of diversity in schools, including socio-economic, racial, linguistic, cultural and other demographic characteristics. Full Article

Remember to register for 2024 CYFS Early Childhood Research Summit

Time is running out to register for the seventh biennial CYFS Early Childhood Research Summit, April 23 at the Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center.

Registration is open through Monday, March 25.

Register for the summit.

Presented by CYFS in partnership with the Nebraska Academy for Early Childhood Research, the summit aims to communicate cutting-edge early childhood findings from University of Nebraska–affiliated researchers and colleague; link ongoing efforts in early childhood research, practice and policy; and advance the science of early childhood education and development via connections among community partners, key stakeholders, policymakers, early childhood practitioners and researchers. Full Article

Grand Challenges Catalyst project aims to strengthen early childhood workforce — and positive results for children

Nearly 28 million children in the U.S. experience childhood adversity — neglect, parental substance abuse, mental illness, racism and bias.

Such hardships cause significant stress to children at crucial stages in their development, putting them at risk for academic difficulties and health and behavioral issues — all of which have consequences into adulthood. Full Article