Jared Stevens, graduate research assistant in educational psychology, leads a Feb. 1 Methodology Applications Series presentation on the data collection platform Qualtrics.
Jared Stevens, graduate research assistant in educational psychology, led the first spring semester presentation of the 2018-19 Methodology Applications Series Feb. 1.
His presentation, “Collecting Your Own Data: Improving Data Quality through Qualtrics Survey Design,” is now available on video.Full Article
Henry Bass, fourth-year doctoral student in school psychology
Henry Bass, a fourth-year doctoral student in school psychology, has a passion for helping youth navigate one of life’s most challenging periods: adolescence.
Bass recently received news that the Society for the Study of School Psychology will award funding for his dissertation project, which focuses on identifying the extent to which family-school partnerships improve long-term outcomes for children as they become adolescents.Full Article
What kind of work have you been doing with the project?
I am currently learning about concussions/mTBIs and how to properly care for children — particularly in schools — who have suffered them. I learn by reading a lot about these subjects, doing a literature review and coming together with others in my grant to discuss what we’ve learned. Next year, we will be able to use these skills in school practicums.Full Article
Project: Training Program for Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder
What kind of work have you been doing with the project?
As a trainee on this project, I’ll be traveling to the Autism Care for Toddlers Clinic in Omaha to attend seminars and observe toddlers during treatment. I’m reading literature on toddlers with autism spectrum disorder and am excited to get more involved in the clinic. I also work with my mentor, Dr. Edward Daly, and his research team, as well as help out with a math intervention project in the Department of Special Education.Full Article
Project: Specialization in Toddlers with ASD Program
What kind of work have you been doing with the project?
I’m just starting on the project, but I am excited to learn more about diagnosing ASD and how to implement treatments in the coming semesters.Full Article
I became interested in the field of psychology, generally, after being a Jumpstart tutor through AmeriCorps my freshman year of college. I worked with a student who faced several barriers to education, some of which were related to his experiences in foster care. I became curious about how the cultural, social and familial contexts of learners impact their academic experiences and well-being in the long-term. This experience led me to pursue jobs within schools, group homes and other care facilities, both nationally and internationally, as I developed an interest in the effect of trauma on individuals.Full Article
The Nebraska Academy for Early Childhood Research has developed a new online resource for faculty and students involved in early childhood research across the University of Nebraska system.
The Student Research Opportunities website enables NU faculty to advertise opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students seeking work experience in early childhood research. Students can browse available positions and filter them by campus location, academic level (i.e., graduate or undergraduate), position type (e.g., assistantship, paid, volunteer) and the age group being researched.Full Article
Project: Concussion and mTBI Management Traineeship
What have you been doing with the project?
With the traineeship, I have been learning about various aspects of concussions and accommodations in school for kids with concussions. We visited the Brain Injury Conference in Kearney and spoke with concussion and TBI survivors and other practitioners in the field, and learned what it was like to live or work with survivors.Full Article