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Building a strong foundation for cross-campus collaboration on executive function research

Construction is underway on the foundation of a collaborative network of Nebraska researchers who are pooling their talent and resources to expand early childhood executive function research.

Carrie Clark, associate professor of educational psychology, and Jenna Finch, assistant professor of psychology, are leading the effort, thanks to funding from a University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Planning Grant. The initiative is designed to foster cross-campus research collaboration. Full Article

Research analyzes ‘Chinese virus’ rhetoric and its impact on Chinese and Asian Americans

When the coronavirus broke out in December 2019, the world changed. Phrases such as “sheltering at home,” “social distancing” and “self-quarantining” entered the lexicon and became part of an everyday, far-reaching “new normal.”

For some, life changed in additional ways. In the spring of 2020, reports of racism, hate crimes and even violence directed at Chinese and Asian Americans surged throughout the United States. Full Article

New tool uses cultural lens to evaluate young children’s development in Brazil

Denise Ruschel Bandeira, professor, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, right, shares findings from the Dimensional Inventory for Child Development Assessment (IDADI) pilot impact project.

The prevalence of children with developmental delays worldwide is estimated to be up to 18 percent. However, fewer than one-third of these children are identified by their health care provider. This is significant because children whose delays are not addressed early on are at risk for adverse outcomes, including emotional, behavioral and health problems later in life. Full Article

Empowering preschool teachers to reflect, talk about science

Children explore the garden at EMEI Ignacio in Recife, Brazil, one of the preschools engaged in PreSTAR.

Tucked away from the busy city streets of São Paulo, Brazil, young learners are exploring a colorful garden with spades, magnifying glasses and other tools. They gather around their preschool teacher who is holding a freshly dug worm in her hands. They observe the wriggling creature together. After the excited shrieks subside, the teacher begins to ask them questions. Full Article

Study reveals mental health challenges of Zika-affected caregivers

Germany Gracy Maia, pictured with her daughter Giovanna, shared her experience caring for a child affected by congenital Zika virus syndrome..

In a brightly lit classroom in northeast Brazil, kindergarteners and their teachers gather for their daily circle time on the carpet. However, today is different. The children are joined by a group of visitors from Nebraska, many of whom don’t speak Portuguese. Full Article

Nebraska-Brazil early childhood research partnership continues to thrive

Children explore their school garden in São Paulo, Brazil.

While there are distinct differences between the U.S. and Brazil, there are even more things the two countries have in common. In particular, a desire to ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential guides the work of early childhood educators, researchers and other professionals in both parts of the world. Full Article

Video available for MAP Academy presentation featuring Michael Hebert

Michael Hebert, associate professor of special education and communication disorders, led a May 1 virtual presentation in the Spring 2020 Methodology Applications Series. About 40 people attended his presentation via Zoom video conference.

His presentation, “Seeing the Forest Plot for the Trees: Using Meta-Analysis to Synthesize Research,” is now available on video. Full Article

MAP Academy’s Chen earns Dean’s Fellowship

Donna Chen, MAP Academy graduate research assistant, has earned a Dean’s Fellowship for the 2020-21 academic year through the Office of Graduate Studies for her “outstanding academic performance and scholarly potential.”

Chen is a fifth-year doctoral student in the Quantitative, Qualitative and Psychometric Methods program. She is working primarily on the Equity in Engineering and TAPP Latino projects. Full Article