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Research addresses sexual violence prevention among Native American youth

Native American youth experience high rates of sexual abuse — a problem rooted in historical trauma. Until recently, virtually no research had assessed the impact of child sexual abuse prevention programs aimed at protecting this vulnerable population. Full Article

Exploring ways to help those who help others in the wake of natural disasters

In March 2019, 81 of Nebraska’s 93 counties were declared states of emergency due to significant flooding and blizzards. Nebraska Extension provided vital assistance to communities during the state’s disaster response and recovery, and continues to offer a lifeline for many struggling to cope. Full Article

CYFS releases 2019-20 Annual Report

In a year unlike any other, CYFS and its diverse partners in research, practice and policy have continued work to impact lives through research that advances learning and development.

The CYFS annual report for the 2020 fiscal year, which ran from July 2019 to June 2020, is now available — highlighting efforts to address social, behavioral and educational challenges facing society, both amid and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Full Article

NAECR Knowledge/Networking event examines research partnerships during pandemic

The second combined NAECR Knowledge/Networking event of the fall explored how early childhood researchers have adjusted ways they initiate, maintain and address research partnerships in the time of COVID-19.

The Nov. 4 virtual conversation focused on how research relationships and collaboration have evolved in recent months during the pandemic — and some of the innovative ways they have overcome obstacles to forge ahead with their work. Full Article

Maker space project helps build future engineering foundation

It’s Friday morning in the Maker Space Lab at Northeast Community College in Norfolk, Nebraska, and the room is abuzz — literally and figuratively.

One group of students is hard at work on the 3D printer. Other students collaborate on a computer aided design (CAD) project. Another group concentrates on woodworking with power tools. Full Article

‘The Story of SEEDs’ shared in Oct. 19 webinar

About 200 practitioners, advocates, students and policymakers attended an Oct. 19 webinar, “The Story of SEEDs,” which outlined the history, success and challenges of the Support, Education, Empowerment and Directions (SEEDs) program.

The virtual event discussed the trauma-informed, gender-responsive, sober living home program for women with histories of substance abuse and domestic and/or sexual violence. Discussion topics included costs associated with running SEEDs, program implementation barriers, lessons learned and next steps for continued sustainability. Full Article