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Study aims to address time crunch among early childhood educators

Much attention is paid to the work early childhood teachers do in the classroom. But their tasks away from their students are just as essential to children’s learning and development.

Unlike their K-12 counterparts, early childhood teachers lack dedicated time to address work demands beyond the direct care of children. Without formalized supports, out-of-classroom time may be scarified or interrupted as unexpected issues arise throughout the day. Full Article

SEEDs program promotes healing among women with past addiction, victimization

The definition of “home” means different things to different people.

A comfy sofa. A warm bed. A cat lounging in the sun on the windowsill. Kids playing in the other room. An animated discussion of the day’s events during family mealtime.

For many, home is a sanctuary from busy schedules and hectic lives. But for women participating in the Support, Education, Empowerment and Directions (SEEDs) program, home can be a life-saver. Full Article

Project’s photos give voice to refugee population

In August 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) attacked Sinjar Province in northwestern Iraq. About 5,000 Yazidi civilians were killed, and the genocide led to the expulsion of thousands more from their ancestral lands. Additionally, thousands of women and girls were abducted. Full Article

NAECR Knowledge/Networking event explores creative data collection during pandemic

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began last spring, early childhood researchers have faced new challenges in their work — including how to effectively gather data in the age of social distancing and remote learning.

The first of two combined NAECR Knowledge/Networking events of the fall semester explored creative data collection methods to consider when working with children, families and early childhood practitioners during the pandemic. Full Article

Video available for MAP Academy presentation featuring Kejin Lee

Kejin Lee, research assistant professor at the Nebraska Academy of Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics, led the first presentation of the Fall 2020 Methodology Applications Series Sept. 11.

Video is now available of her presentation, “Measuring Time-to-Event: Introduction to Survival Analysis.” Full Article

Research reveals children’s early adversity, neighborhood have lasting impacts

Where you come from plays a key role in predicting where you are going.

For children, the neighborhood in which they grow up significantly affects their healthy development in later years, according to findings from a recent University of Nebraska–Lincoln research project. Full Article

Building a strong foundation for cross-campus collaboration on executive function research

Construction is underway on the foundation of a collaborative network of Nebraska researchers who are pooling their talent and resources to expand early childhood executive function research.

Carrie Clark, associate professor of educational psychology, and Jenna Finch, assistant professor of psychology, are leading the effort, thanks to funding from a University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Planning Grant. The initiative is designed to foster cross-campus research collaboration. Full Article

Research analyzes ‘Chinese virus’ rhetoric and its impact on Chinese and Asian Americans

When the coronavirus broke out in December 2019, the world changed. Phrases such as “sheltering at home,” “social distancing” and “self-quarantining” entered the lexicon and became part of an everyday, far-reaching “new normal.”

For some, life changed in additional ways. In the spring of 2020, reports of racism, hate crimes and even violence directed at Chinese and Asian Americans surged throughout the United States. Full Article