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TAPP brings new tool to students, parents and teachers in Brazil

From left, Renata T.M. Gomes, CYFS graduate research assistant and doctoral candidate, and Natalie Williams, associate professor and graduate chair in the Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies, discuss TAPP during a meeting at the Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal Foundation in Brazil. Gomes is leading a project to introduce TAPP to students in Brazil. Learn more in the CYFS Research Network.

As students in Brazil slowly return to in-person learning following the COVID-19 pandemic, some are being introduced to a program designed to foster parent-teacher partnerships to help boost children’s academic and social and emotional success.

Renata T.M. Gomes, CYFS graduate research assistant and doctoral candidate, is leading the effort to bring Teachers and Parents as Partners (TAPP) to Brazil. Full Article

Researchers, teachers, artists collaborate to envision future of emerging media instruction

Art TEAMS researchers include, from left, Guy Trainin, professor of education in the Department of Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education; Lorinda Rice, Lincoln Public Schools art curriculum specialist; HyeonJin Yoon, research assistant professor, MAP Academy; and Kimberly D’Adamo, TLTE graduate student/lecturer. Learn more in the CYFS Research Network.

Given the speed at which technology changes and evolves, one can only imagine what media will look like in five years — and beyond.

But Nebraska researchers are collaborating with the state’s K-12 educators, artists and administrators to do just that. Full Article

Resource toolkit enables Nebraska Extension personnel to Reach Out for Wellness

Nebraska researchers have developed a toolkit of resources to help Extension professionals cope with the challenges of their work — and seek support — through better understanding of their own well-being. Learn more in the CYFS Research Network.

As frontline caregiving professionals, Nebraska Extension professionals provide vital assistance to communities during the state’s disaster response and recovery efforts, and offer a lifeline for many struggling to cope during times of crisis.

Holly Hatton-Bowers, assistant professor of child, youth and family studies, is the program director of a national project funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and housed at CYFS, focused on supporting the wellness of Extension personnel following natural disasters. Full Article

Brain-connected technology opens communications doors for those with severe physical impairments

Kevin Pitt, assistant professor of special education and communication disorders, prepares an EEG cap for use on a P300 speller device (Photo by Kelcey Buck, Special Education and Communication Disorders). Learn more in the CYFS Research Network.

As computer technology continues to evolve and become more routine in daily life, researchers and engineers alike are working to find new ways to link computer technology with the human brain.

Using a direct communication pathway between a wired brain and an external device to produce commands is no longer the stuff of science fiction. Brain-computer interface, or BCI, is now evolving reality — and one that promises enhanced quality of life for people with severe physical impairments (SPIs). Full Article

CYFS releases 2020-21 annual report

View the 2020-21 CYFS annual report: Interactive | PDF

Despite the unusual circumstances of the past year and a half, the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools has remained focused on impacting lives through research that advances learning and development.

With diverse partners in research, practice and policy, CYFS has continued work to address the social, behavioral and educational needs of communities in Nebraska and beyond — both amid and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Full Article

Study assesses modified evaluation method for students placed at risk

HyeonJin Yoon, research assistant professor, Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics, is assessing the validity of a new evaluation method for targeted educational interventions for students placed at risk. Learn more in the CYFS Research Network.

HyeonJin Yoon, research assistant professor, Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics, is assessing the validity of a new evaluation method for targeted educational interventions for students placed at risk.

Regression discontinuity design (RDD) is an evaluation that assesses the impact of a need-based, targeted intervention. It relies on a cutoff point on an assignment measure that typically evaluates participants’ need, or threshold, above or below which an intervention is assigned. By comparing post-test scores around the cutoff, researchers can identify the intervention’s impact on a given outcome. Full Article

Study examines bonds between babies, parents

Patty Kuo, assistant professor of child, youth and family studies, is leading a pilot project to explore how attachment security to mothers and fathers develops in a baby’s first 18 months — and how those attachment configurations predict outcomes in the child’s first three years. Learn more about this project in the CYFS Research Network.

It may seem obvious, but the emotional bond babies develop with their parents is crucial — not only for their survival, but also to ensure positive outcomes throughout life.

Less-obvious, however, is how this bond — known as attachment — develops. Full Article