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Brazil research empowers vulnerable families, communities amid COVID-19 crisis

Efforts to help vulnerable communities is most effective when it actively engages community members, agencies and other stakeholders in solving complex social problems.

In many parts of Brazil, communities must find their own ways to address the needs of children and families with limited resources. Those needs have intensified since early 2020, as COVID-19 quickly spread throughout the country. Full Article

Edwards honored by American Society of Criminology for community-engaged research

Nebraska researcher Katie Edwards has been honored by the American Society of Criminology for her community-engaged research with Native American communities.

Edwards, associate professor, CYFS and educational psychology, is this year’s winner of the ASC’s Division on Women and Crime Community Engaged Scholar Award, presented annually to a leader in teaching, outreach or scholarship initiatives defined by innovative community engagement in criminology or a closely associated discipline. Full Article

Researchers gathering eye-opening data to help ensure adequate sleep among agricultural workers

As anyone who has ever experienced insomnia knows, the lack of a good night’s sleep can make for a difficult morning.

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, side effects of sleep deprivation include lack of concentration, attention deficits, longer reaction times, distractibility, lack of coordination, poor decision-making, increased errors and forgetfulness. Full Article

Welcome to the team, Julie Erickson!

Name: Julie Erickson

Title: Administrative Coordinator

Hometown: Hastings, Nebraska

Where did you work prior to joining CYFS? What was your role there, and what did it entail?

“Prior to joining CYFS, I was employed by Lincoln Public Schools as an executive secretary at a middle school. My duties included administrative support, office management, time and attendance for all certified, office, mentors, paras and substitutes, all instructional purchases, budgets, coordinating class coverage and professional learning.” Full Article

TAPP Online brings enhanced support to rural students, families and schools

Research shows rural students are experiencing social-behavioral and mental health challenges at unprecedented rates, placing them at risk for long-term negative outcomes.

With the effectiveness of family-school interventions in addressing social-behavioral and mental health needs at both school and home — especially in rural settings — professional development of rural practitioners is a priority. Full Article

Researchers examine experiences, needs of Nebraska’s special education teachers

Throughout the United States, the number of teachers qualified to support students with special needs is declining. In Nebraska, school leaders are concerned the shortage of special education teachers will put these students at risk for compromised learning and growth. Full Article

Help Me Grow Nebraska streamlines access to children’s health care services, resources

Searching for the right health care resources — and the most efficient way to access them — can be overwhelming.

For families seeking health care for young children, the task can be even more daunting.

Early childhood health systems are often complex, siloed and disconnected, which leads to inadequate supports and services for families. Full Article

Project examines how external, internal controls in schools affect students’ opportunities to learn

When it comes to measuring student outcomes, grading individual schools can be complicated.

Although federal, state and local mandates are continually added to school-based policies and practices used to measure student performance — and hold schools accountable — research indicates that such measures have mixed effects on student achievement, graduation rates and equity in learning. Full Article